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Sec. 18-38. Renewals.

  • The license administrator is authorized to renew, without further action by the town council, the license of any person holding a license pursuant to this article, referred to as the “licensee,” on April 30 of each year upon receipt of the required fee and of a written statement from the licensee that there has been no material change in the information provided in the licensee’s previous application. The license administrator may not renew a license, but must refer the application to the town council, if:
  1. The license has been suspended or revoked by the town council during the preceding 12 months.
  2. The license administrator has received, during the past 12 months, any written complaint from any person charging that the licensee has violated the terms of this article or any other section of this Code or town ordinance.
  3. The applicant is delinquent in paying any personal property tax assessed by the town, unless there is pending at the time of application for the license a request for abatement of the tax or an appeal of the tax assessment. For purposes of this subsection, the word “applicant” means all of the following persons: (i) the owner of any personal property used in the conduct of the business or activity for which the license is sought, (ii) the owner of the business or activity for which the license is sought, and (ii) the person who conducts or operates the business or activity for which the license is sought. As used in this subsection, the term “any personal property tax” shall include all personal property taxes assessed against any person within the definition of applicant, whether or not the property so taxed is used in the conduct or operation of the business or activity for which the license is sought.
  4. The licensed location has had three or more documented disturbances as verified by the police chief within the previous licensing period, which documentation shall be presented to the license administrator in writing by the police department.
  • In cases involving a complaint under subsection (a)(2) of this section or disturbances under subsection (a)(4) of this section, the license administrator shall bring the complaint or disturbance to the attention of the town manager before referring the application to the town council. The town manager will then convene an administrative board consisting of the town manager; the police chief; the fire chief; the license administrator; a member of the town business community appointed by the town council; and a citizen of the town, not an employee of the town, appointed by the town council, to discuss the complaint or disturbance with the applicant. At this time, the town manager shall notify the town council chairperson, in writing, that this board is being convened. The purpose of the administrative board will be fact finding with the goal of resolving the issues raised by the complaint or disturbance. If the administrative board finds that the applicant has not successfully addressed the complaint or disturbance, the administrative board shall propose a consent agreement with the applicant to address the complaint or disturbance. If the applicant fails to appear before the administrative board or fails to accept a consent agreement proposed by the administrative board, the license administrator shall refer the application to the town council with the recommendation that the license not be renewed.
  • Action undertaken by the administrative board will be viewed as advisory to the town council. The town manager will place recommendations on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the town council. The town council will act upon such recommendations in the same manner as used for license hearings.

(Ord. of 6-13-1961, § 1-A; Ord. of 2-16-1988; Ord. of 6-18-1991; Ord. of 11-8-1993; Ord. of 3-2-1999; Ord. of 4-20-1999; Ord. of 9-18-2001)