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Comprehensive Plan Committee

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Old Orchard Beach Comprehensive Plan Survey

Looking into the future of Old Orchard Beach, where will we be as a community? Join us as we gather public input through the Old Orchard Beach (OOB) Comprehensive Plan Survey, so we can incorporate your thoughts and ideas into the plan that will help guide the Town over the next ten years. This survey seeks your input on topics including Quality of Life, Transportation, Public Lands, Land Use, and Public Infrastructure here in OOB. The Comprehensive Plan Survey is available to complete online through the link below, or paper copies can be picked up/requested at Town Hall.

Thank you for providing your feedback. There will be a public meeting to discuss the survey results in Fall 2024.

  • This online survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete
  • Paper copies are available by request or they can be picked up at Town Hall in the Planning & Codes, or Town Clerks offices.
  • Hard copy paper surveys can be requested and submitted by mail, email, or in person:

            Mail:   OOB Town Hall, Attn: Mike Foster
                        1 Portland Ave
                        Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064

            In Person: 1 Portland Ave, Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064

Please submit completed surveys by the 9/23/2024 submission deadline.

About the Comprehensive Plan:

The Comprehensive Plan is the official document that describes and illustrates a vision for the future economic, social and physical characteristics of our town in the years ahead and outlines policies and guidelines to implement that vision. 

The Comprehensive Plan is a guide for managing the change that a community undergoes.  The Plan serves many functions.  It is an expression of the community’s vision of its future.  It is also a guide to making the many public and private decisions that determine Old Orchard Beach’s Future.  It is a source of basic information about the natural resources and built environment of the community.  Finally, it is the legal foundation of the Town’s land use controls.

The Comprehensive Plan is not a zoning ordinance, nor is it a law of any kind.  To the contrary, the plan is an advisory document setting out the community’s goals for the future and policies and programs necessary to move the Town in the direction of its goals.  In its broadest form, it is a road map that can be used by the Town’s elected and appointed officials to steer the Town on an agreed-upon course.  In its narrow form, it serves as the legal basis for any land use regulations adopted by the Town.

Staff Contacts
Name Title Phone
Jeffrey Hinderliter Town Planner Staff Contact (207) 937-5617
Committee Members
Name Title Term
George Kerr Member 12/31/2025
Jean Leclerc Member 12/31/2025
Lou Valentine Chair 12/31/2025
Marc Guimont Member 12/31/2027
Mary Pat Donnellon Member 12/31/2025
Peter Guidi Member 12/31/2025
Sarah Petrin Member 12/31/2025
Winthrop Winch Vice-Chair 12/31/2025