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Conservation Commission

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Duties & Responsibilities:

There shall be a Conservation Commission composed of five (5) members, and two (2) Alternates who shall be appointed by the Council.  Members of the Conservation Commission shall serve staggered three (3) year terms under 30-A M.R.S.A. § 3261 and shall serve until a successor has been appointed and qualified.

The Conservation Commission shall be responsible for the care and superintendence of the public parks and shall have such powers and perform such duties as are provided by the laws of the State of Maine and the ordinances duly adopted by the Council, including the powers and duties of tree wardens.  The Conservation Commission shall have the power to form subcommittees and/or advisory boards as they deem necessary.

Commission Members
Name Title Term
Barry Jackman Member 12/31/2026
Charlie Backus Alternate 12/31/2027
Cynthia Nye Member 12/31/2026
Irvin Paradis Member 12/31/2027
Kimbark Smith Chair 12/31/2027
Mark Koenigs Member 12/31/2027
Mary Pat Donnellon Alternate 12/31/2025