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Emergency Management

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By the Charter of the Town of Old Orchard Beach and under authority and direction of the Department of Homeland Security, the Town has established an internal Emergency Management Agency.  The Emergency Management Agency Director reports directly to the Town Manager.

The Town must have a written Emergency Action Plan in place to identify potential hazards, list responsible entities, outline mitigation procedures, plans for recovery, and include addendums for up-to-date information regarding new threats.  This plan must be updated and published for use by public safety officials in the event of an emergency of large proportion or of a lengthy occurrence.

It will be our intent to advise, instruct, and assist the residents of Old Orchard Beach in what actions should be taken to plan for emergencies, as well as which resources to anticipate aid to come from after a significant emergency.

In the case of a major disaster, emergency workers may not be able to reach everyone right away.  What would you do if you had no electricity, no gas, no water and no telephone service?  Having a plan for your business, pets, family and their needs will help ensure their safety.

We hope to better prepare you and your family for future disasters by helping you create your own personalized Family Disaster Plan and provide you with vital information regarding emergency resources.

Staff Contacts
Name Title Phone
Clif Whitten Deputy Fire Chief 207.934.7790 ext 1218