We would like to extend a warm welcome to all J-1 Summer Work & Travel participants to our vibrant and friendly beachfront community. Whether you are here for the first time, returning to reunite with old friends or wanting to expand your cultural experiences, we are glad you’ve chosen Old Orchard Beach, Maine to be your home away from home!
Each year over 500 J-1 Summer Work & Travel participants from around the world make their way here to live and work in and around our vibrant seaside town. Summer tourism jobs, exploring the area and meeting new people (in a unique and fun place) make it a special opportunity to be a participant here.
While you are in Old Orchard and Saco make the best of every moment. Take advantage of the events that have been planned for you like the J-1 Orientation in late June and Exchange Day in early August. Build lasting relationships with your employers and the new friends you will meet during your stay. Spend time at the beach, try local foods, ride the ferris wheel, watch the fireworks or travel to not-so-distant destinations like Portland or Boston.
Within this website, you will find valuable information and resources that have been thoughtfully put together with you in mind. Read through the pages carefully, and return to this website often, as it will help you to adjust to your new surroundings more quickly while you are here.
Finally, we want to thank you all for enhancing our community with your presence. We appreciate your hard work, diverse backgrounds and the opportunity for us to become better people from meeting and being with you!
Have a wonderful, safe and memorable summer! We are here for you if you need us.
Your J-1 Coordinator’s Role:
The town of Old Orchard Beach knows and understands the value of connecting you with a dedicated, local J-1 Coordinator to help make your stay here productive, safe and memorable. Although your sponsor will often be your first point of contact for many of your needs before, during and after your stay in the U.S., your J-1 Coordinator can also offer you support and provide important information while you are here for your summer work & travel experience. You are always welcome to reach out to your J-1 Coordinator at any time for the following:
- Seasonal rental information
- J-1 event information
- Social Security information
- Learning about second job opportunities
- Understanding the resources available to you in our community
- Giving back to the community/volunteer opportunities
- Connecting you with your sponsor
- Transportation suggestions
- Safety issues (for serious emergencies call 911)
- Housing concerns
- Preparing to go home
To Set Up An Appointment To Meet With Your J-1 Coordinator, Please Contact:
Anne Randall – J-1 Coordinator – Town of Old Orchard beach
Phone: 207.590.7742
Email: arandall@oobmaine.com