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Old Orchard Beach Comprehensive Plan Survey

Looking into the future of Old Orchard Beach, where will we be as a community? Join us as we gather public input through the Old Orchard Beach (OOB) Comprehensive Plan Survey, so we can incorporate your thoughts and ideas into the plan that will help guide the Town over the next ten years. This survey seeks your input on topics including Quality of Life, Transportation, Public Lands, Land Use, and Public Infrastructure here in OOB. The Comprehensive Plan Survey is available to complete online through the link below, or paper copies can be picked up/requested at Town Hall.

Thank you for providing your feedback. There will be a public meeting to discuss the survey results in Fall 2024.

  • This online survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete
  • Paper copies are available by request or they can be picked up at Town Hall in the Planning & Codes, or Town Clerks offices.
  • Hard copy paper surveys can be requested and submitted by mail, email, or in person:

            Mail:   OOB Town Hall, Attn: Mike Foster
                        1 Portland Ave
                        Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064

            In Person: 1 Portland Ave, Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064

Please submit completed surveys by the 9/23/2024 submission deadline.


As your Planning Staff, our primary responsibility is to coordinate growth and development in Old Orchard Beach through the administration of local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and ordinances.

Some of our duties include responding to requests for assistance on land use development questions, reviewing development proposals and plans, production and implementation of the comprehensive plan, development and amendment of all local ordinances, economic development, oversight of code enforcement office activity, staff advisor for the Planning Board, Design Review Committee and Comprehensive Plan Committee.

The Planning Department is one of the town’s contact points for many development inquiries.  The Department routinely answers citizen questions whether planning related or not.

Notice for Planning Board Applicants:

We have strict deadlines for our Planning Board meetings that you must adhere to. If an application is not received in it’s entirety by the deadline, it will not be placed on the Planning Board agenda. Please click on the calendar on our Planning Board page for the date of our next Planning Board workshop/regular meeting and the corresponding deadline. Contact Planning Staff with any questions on these deadlines.

Staff Contacts
Name Title Phone
Jeffery Hinderliter Town Planner 207.937.5617
Michael Foster Assistant Town Planner 207.937.5636
Alex McGee Administrative Assistant 207.937.5645
Teresa Chiburis Administrative Assistant 207.937.5645