Pre-Application Meetings:

To help expedite your application review process, you may wish to meet with Planning staff to review Ordinance and Code compliance of proposals. At that time, staff can provide valuable information, assisting you with project coordination, scheduling, and additional permit requirements. Please contact Planning staff to schedule a pre-application meeting. Depending upon the complexity of the project, fees may be assessed.
Planning Applications:
Complete application packets are available online for your convenience. Hard copies are also available on the first floor of Town Hall in the Planning Department. These applications are in both PDF and Excel format. When preparing to print in Excel, be sure to select Entire Workbook in print options in order to print the entire application.
Downloadable Forms:
- Conditional Use Application (PDF format)
- Private Way Application (PDF format)
- Design Review Application – Committee Review (PDF format)
- Administrative Design Review Certificate (PDF format)
- Administrative Design Review Certificate (Excel format)
- Certificate of Appropriateness-Historic Districts (PDF format)
- Certificate of Appropriateness-Historic Districts (Excel format)
- Design Review Certificate-Plenary (PDF format)
- Site Plan-Administrative Review (PDF format)
- Amendment to an Approved Site Plan (PDF format)
- Amendment to an Approved Site Plan (Excel format)
- Sign Permit Application (PDF format)
- Sign Permit Application (Word format)
- Site Plan Application-Plenary (PDF format)
- Sketch Plan Application (PDF format)
- Sketch Plan Application (Excel format)
- Amendment to an Approved Subdivision (PDF format)
- Amendment to an Approved Subdivision (Excel format)
- Major Subdivision Application (PDF format)
- Minor Subdivision Application (PDF format)