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Drug Take Back Program

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Drug Take Back – Please Bring you unused prescription drugs to us or drop them off on one of our Drug Take Bay Day Events!!!!

The Old Orchard Beach Police Department participates in the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day as it is offered on a Bi-Annual Basis.  These dates will be posted here, on our facebook page, and offen our sign boards throughout town.  

Most abused prescription drugs come from family and friends. You could be a drug dealer and not even now it. This is a great opportunity to anonymously turn in your unused, unwanted, or expired medications for safe disposal. Contact your local police department or go to DEATakeBack.com for a collection site near you. Please stop in and drop off your medications (At any time) to the police department!!!

Help keep our streets and the enviroment safe!!!

The Medication Return Boxes in the Northern York County region of Maine is an initiative supported by the Northern York County Prescription Drug Coalition.

The dropbox in Old Orchard Beach is located in the lobby of the Police Department.

Please feel free to bring in your unused or unwanted prescription medications at any time.  Please do not bring needles, aerosol based products, hydrogen peroxide, lotions and ointments as they are not accepted. 

Please visit this page of our website or visit our facebook page for announcements regarding future drug take back events as they are scehduled.

The coalition is a private/public partnership which formed as a result of a timely meeting of concerned citizens, business representatives and professionals in the Public Health and Public Safety fields. The group’s mission is to keep our environment cleaner and keep our communities safer by getting unwanted, unused, or expired drugs collected and properly disposed of so that they are not flushed into Maine’s environment and/or diverted to the street.

MedReturn Drop Boxes are anonymous and FREE. Please remember to remove any personal identifying information on your medications.