Christmas Day Trash Collection: Wed. 12/25 will be on Thur. 12/26 & Thurs. 12/26 will be Fri. 12/27 & Fri. 12/27 will be Sat. 12/28

Curbside Trash:
The Town of Old Orchard Beach contracts trash and recycling hauling with Casella/Pine Tree, solid waste processing with Casella/Pine Tree and the processing of the towns recyclables with EcoMaine.
Municipal curbside collection is provided on public streets only, and only to properties which abut a public street and are not required to utilize private collection and disposal under section 46-58 in the town ordinance.
Single-family homes and each apartment up to 4-unit apartment buildings which are not used for transients or lodging may have two 32-gallon containers, not to exceed 64 gallons total. No container shall weigh more than 60 pounds, including contents.
Containers set out for collection shall be placed as close to the street curb as possible without obstructing the roadway or sidewalk. Containers shall be set out for collection no later than 3:00 a.m. on the day of collection but no earlier than 3:00 p.m… On the day prior to the day of collection, and empty containers shall be removed from the street by 7:00 p.m. on the day of collection.
The town is not responsible for damage to plastic containers, and the town has the authority to refuse collection service for failure to provide suitable containers.
Household Waste and Recycling Collection Schedule

Curbside Recycling:
Curbside recycling is picked up by Casella/Pine Tree Waste and processed by Ecomaine.
For more information on what can be recycling please click the links below:
Please click the icon for more information on Ecomaine’s Recyclopedia

For more information on EcoMaine’s recycling operations, check out this video.
Still not sure what can and can’t be recycled? Check out EcoMaine’s Recyclopedia promo video
Watch the Casella Recycle Better video for more information.
Holiday Week Collection:
There is no trash collection on the following days: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. Trash collections scheduled those weeks will have trash picked up the day after the regularly scheduled pickup day.
Storm Day Collection:
Trash will be collected on storm days, even if there is no school. Only extreme weather conditions will prevent trucks from going out.
Curbside Recycling Overflow:
As an additional resource, the town of Old Orchard Beach provides ‘Silver Bullets’ for recycling of paper, plastic, cans, & cardboard. These dumpsters are available to residents who occasionally have excess recyclables. Cardboard boxes should be broken down prior to being discarded. Absolutely no large/bulky items, electronic, or hazardous waste are to be placed in or outside of the silver bullets. Anything dumped besides recycling will be considered illegal dumping. Cameras are in use 24-7 and violators will be charged by OOBPD.
Silver Bullet Location: 103 Smithwheel Road, in front of Public Works.
Please click link to see what is allowed in single-sort recycling?
Hazardous Waste Disposal:
The town of Old Orchard beach joins with Scarborough, Saco, and Biddeford to attend their Hazardous Waste Days, which are held 3 days a year.

7/27/24 8-12 Saco Public Works 15 Phillips Spring Rd
9/14/24 8-12 Biddeford Public Works 371 Hill St
Medication Disposal:
Medications & Prescription Drugs Residential prescription drug disposal may be dropped off at the Old Orchard Beach Police Department located on E. Emerson Cummings Blvd. There is a kiosk in the lobby to dispose of medications.
Sharps Disposal:
Dispose of sharps in a rigid, leak-proof, puncture-resistant container, such as a hard, plastic bottle with a screw-on or tightly secured lid (a liquid detergent bottle with a large opening is a good choice, or you may purchase a disposable container at a pharmacy). To dispose of the container, label it using masking tape or duct tape and write on it, “Do NOT Recycle.” Screw the lid on tightly and secure it with tape to prevent accidental opening. Then, it can be included with your regular household trash. Don’t use glass, milk jugs, milk cartons, or clear plastic containers (they may break, be punctured or taken for illicit use). Don’t put sharp objects in a container that will be recycled or returned to a store. Visit Maine’s Safe Disposal of Household Medical Sharps website page foe more information.
Electronic Waste:
E-Waste includes computers, office electronics, entertainment device electronics, mobile phones, television sets, etc. Goodwill, Staples, Best Buy, and Pine Tree/Casella accept certain types of E-Waste. Please contact them for more information.