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FEMA Flood Maps

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Since the late 2000’s the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) has worked on the development and adoption of new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM).  With the FIRMs last update of 1984-85 and floodplain management ordinance last update of 1986, FEMA recognized technology and knowledge has advanced to allow FEMA to identify and understand flooding impacts more accurately.  This resulted in the creation of new FIRMs during the late 2000’s.         

FEMA’s presentation and adoption attempts of the new FIRMs and supporting floodplain management ordinance has been ongoing since the new FIRMs were originally released during the 2000’s.  During 2018, adoption seemed imminent until OOB appealed the FIRMs.  OOB’s appeal was partially successfully by reducing the extent of some regulated flood zones (which reduced the number of properties in the flood zones) and reducing the base flood elevation in some areas.  Also, this delayed adoption of the new FIRMs as FEMA was required to revise the FIRMs to reflect the results of the successful appeal.

With appeals concluded and FEMA fulfilling their adoption process obligations required by law, FEMA provided notice to OOB by letter dated 17 January 2024 that the flood hazard determinations for OOB are considered final. To continue OOB’s participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the Town is required to adopt the new FIRMs and floodplain management ordinance no later than 17 July 2024.

Any questions?  Contact: Rick Haskell, Floodplain Coordinator, at and (207) 937-5615.

Please click here for directions on how to use the online GIS mapping system. You can compare the proposed maps to the existing maps using the GIS link to the left of this page.