When a project is brought before the Planning Board and it requires a site walk and public hearing, you as an abutter will be notified. The Notice of Public Hearing includes the date, time and place, as well as the development proposal that will be the subject of the Public Hearing. Prior to the meeting, you are welcome to review the materials that have been submitted to the Planning Department. They may include a survey, plans, soils information, stormwater drainage plans, erosion control measures, etc. You are welcome to submit a letter to the Planning Board (email it, send it or drop it off to the Planning Office prior to the meeting) that explains any of your concerns about the development that is proposed. And, of course, you will have an opportunity to speak at the public hearing to voice your concerns.
This could be classified as an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) which requires review as a Conditional Use by the Planning Board. Please click on the link above for five conditions that your proposal must be to be classified as an ADU. As always, please contact Planning Staff with any questions and to see if your proposal qualifies.